Tuesday, December 13, 2005

God's Protection

I thought I would relate another situation in my daily life that I saw God's faithfulness last week. I had a guitar student that hadn't paid for over two months and I had no way of proving that I had done the work. I was really sad over the whole issue and felt obviously used. I was debating whether to go back one last time for the last lesson of the month. They had promised numerous times that the money would be transferred to my account, all without it ever actually happening. So I went one last time with the plan to stand at the door and tell them I wouldn't give that day's lesson until the money was paid. I was so sad, because confrontations are so hard. When I got there, they had the money in cash to give me. I left praising God for His protection from a situation I couldn't have solved on my own. I learned a lot through it, however and am going to change things in my business so that this kind of thing can't happen again. I praise God though that He let me learn the lesson without experiencing the depth of hurt that I could have had to have had. Praise God!


We threw a huge party over the weekend for my 30th birthday...we had over 60 people there and had to guess at food, cake, soup, etc...to make sure all were taken care of. I kept thinking of Jesus at the wedding at Cana how He helped the couple who ran out of wine at their wedding party. It helped me come to the point where I trusted God to help us in planning and if need be multiply the loaves and the fish. It was great...everything was the right amount, and the leftovers were used up at church the next day...enjoyed by hungry students who rarely get home-cooked meals and even a homeless man that comes every once in a while. Also with clean up there were so many people who stayed to help up. We crawled into bed at 2 AM and were able to spend the next morning with our friends who had come all the way from Munich to see us. I was so blessed by God's faithfulness in these little things and it reminded me how important it is to make a choice to trust Him and not to worry or get stressed. He will come through, He loves it when we involve Him, ask Him, talk to Him in our every day situation. Sometimes we missed the little daily blessings He wants to give us by not doing so. God is so good!