Saturday, April 22, 2006

Day Four: April 12, 2006: Israel Trip

BIG PLANS: Qumran and Jericho
Off we went after our Matzah breakfast was happily transferred to our tummies. Today we had big plans: Qumran-to see the place where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found and to learn about the Essenes who wrote them and Jericho in the West Bank.
Qumran wasn't THAT exciting-good movie, cool ruiens with lots of bathing pools that showed that the sect had a washing obsession. Cool gift shop... Then we left to try to go to Jericho...
No luck there...there was no getting in. The "walls" are up again-too bad we didn't have time to march around seven times and shout. At all the possible entries you were either met by soldiers with machine guns or a wall-touch luck, no Jericho.
Sea of Galilee Camping
So we continued on to Tiberius-on the way we bought a grill, charcoal, lighter fluid and food to try out hand at grilling on the Sea of Galilee. Arriving, we quickly found a campground and had the tent up in less than 10 minutes. We got situated and tried grilling. Much to my horror and dismay, I realized that my husband has never grilled in all his life! Do you know that feeling of waking up and realizing who you really married? (Just kidding!!) O well-but I must say he's quite and genius and a quick learner-right now he's roasting nuts on the grill and feeding them to me-could life get any better with such a smart husband? But even more than this I am amazed that I am standing where Jesus stood on this ordinary lack in this ordinary country. It's beautiful but nothing special-God ways are so cool! Well better go, can't see any more and Dieter's nuts just blew off the grill and he's jumping up and down half cursing...he hates things being wasted!


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